23 & Me Genetic Testing

23 & Me Genetic Testing. This is so awesome. I know I am old and I refer to back in the day a lot. However, I have to say it again. Back in the day the only way you could have your DNA, Ancestry, or anything done was through the doctor. They would draw blood and sometimes take hair follicles. It was not the cheapest and it sure wasn’t fun.

23 & Me

However, now they have tested out to test yourself for covid, see where you came from as in who your father is for some, DNA to check your background.

Therefore, different types, and kinds of testing you can do. You can even do a colon test for the doctor at home and send it in. WOW! That is really something I don’t think I could do.

Ancestry answers with 23 & Me

23 & Me has an Ancestry test. This will inform you of how your family came about. Who you are related to. Also, you can find out how your relatives got here and so much more.

Furthermore, it is very educational I think. Find out your ethnicity and all. So informative. I absolutely love it.

However, if it wasn’t for being able to do a genetics test at home. I would hate to see the cost from a dr. They sure know where to stick it to ya sometimes.

23 & Me has Biological Blood Testing

When I was young I had to take a Biological Blood Test. This was to inform my dad that he in fact was my dad. As a matter of fact, this is your child, and you are behind in child support.

Therefore, need to get that caught up or we will have a new address for you starting with the words County Jail. A little humor there.

23 & Me

Anyway, when we had this done I had my blood drawn. Then they took a piece of my hair.

Finally, they did a saliva test was done. At the age of 13, it was kind of traumatic.

Therefore, I felt I never should have had to go through that. It was all over child support, but I was the one having to get the test.

However, I wasn’t happy or a fan of needles. Then when they pulled my hair I got upset more. Needless to say, I was angry. However, now they have a test where you just swipe a q-tip in your mouth and send it in.

Give it as a gift

Technology sure has changed how we live. 23 & ME will also change the things you know and who your relatives are. It sounds really cool and I would love to find all that out. What a great thing to give to a loved one a gift even.

I would love to find out my background, when we first came, or who my great, great, great, great family members are. Am I part Italian? Mexican? Who knows? 23 & Me know. So that being said I am going to take my own advice and click here. I am ordering my genetic testing kit today! Therefore, what a great Father’s Day Gift!