Fishing with the Original Doomzday Turtle Lure. However, I know when I say I am fishing with turtles it sounds a bit silly. However, did you know that bass fish do not like turtles?
Therefore, that is the perfect thing to fish with. Turtles like to eat the baby bass fish and that is the reasoning behind why bass fish are not fans of turtles.
Welcome to Sports Outdoors TV – The Official Store of the ‘Doomzday Turtle Lure’ & Hunt Channel
Original Doomzday Turtle! This lure is trending so well at this time. Get 4 per pack at the amazing price of only $5.99 per pack.
Therefore, choose the color you want from midnight black, sapphire blue, copperhead, motor oil red, green pumpkinseed, watermelon red, Junebug, or chartreuse. These look like real hatchling turtles.

Furthermore, it’s not that the bass fish are just hungry. Turtles are natural predators to fish.
Natural enemy and fish predator
Turtles are known to eat baby fish eggs when they can. Therefore, when a bass sees a turtle its instinct is to attack. Hungry or not they are going down the hatch.
Furthermore, this is the reasoning when the fish are not biting for anything else. Try the Doomzday Original Turtle lure. Within a few min, you will see your complete fishing day turning right around for the better.
Furthermore, just remember it has nothing to do with bass being hungry or not being fed. Turtles are the natural enemy of Bass fish.
Furthermore, They are the predator of bass. Therefore, it’s an Attack Reaction that Bass Fish see when they see a hatchling size turtle.
Also, just to let you know that is why these are perfect to catch fish with. A Bass fish will attack a turtle when it may not attack anything else. This works!
Fishing with the Original Doomzday Turtle Lure
Large Mouth Bass Fish eat all kinds of things. That is their natural instinct. To eat worms and snakes. However, it’s a whole different world when they see a turtle. Therefore, get your Bass Turtle Lures here at The Traveler while they are still available.
In addition, you are getting 4 turtles for the amazing price of $5.99. Chose from all 8 colors. However, my favorites to fish with are the watermelon red and the motor oil red. They look real to me and I have had great results. Just 15 min of fishing and I had over 5 basses in the boat. My daughter was fishing with me and she was the one who caught 4 of them.
Fishing September 2021
Furthermore, this fishing trip with my daughter was last year and it was down in Louisiana. September 2021 right after the last hurricane they had passed through there. Therefore, we were catching all kinds of different fish.
However, the pictures below are not of the bass that we caught. These are just of other fish we did catch. I did catch and release the bass as they were a little on the smaller side where we were fishing at.
However, the fish pictured was what basically jumped in the boat at us within 5 min of us casting. Therefore, I only posted to show that you will catch more than just bass.