Link Post Blogging from home is amazing. Yes! it is real. Therefore, this is the Real Deal! Earn a living working from home and never answer to a J.O.B again! You are the BOSS now!
However, I must explain a little more about Link Post Blogging. Believe it or not, some do not know what it actually is.
However, most of the time Link Posting is done and a website is needed or offers so that those answering the post will have a place to go and order that advertisement or post they read.
However, we do have a program at RRR247 where you can do the link post blogging without the blogging part.
Therefore, we do not offer training for this if you opt for the link posting only. Usually, those that do that are just wanting to use our traffic sites and they have their own products.
Link Post Blogging & Performance Blogging
Furthermore, if you want a website, instructor, training, lifetime membership and so much more. Take a look at the video below and we can get you signed up today. This will explain Link Post Blogging even more for you and how it works with Rory’s Proven System of our Performance Blogging. I highly suggest if you want to learn more about linking posts and performance blogging enjoy the video.
*******TO EMPHASIZE********
Pretty Great Right? I absolutely love it. I love everything about this program. The best part, is I don’t think there is a month going by that Rory is not adding more for us all to learn from.
In addition, adding another stream of income we can claim. Therefore, if this video really piqued your interest. Click here and get signed up now.
Link Post + Blogging= Link Post Blogging
If you have chosen to go ahead and continue that is great! You are taking the first step to building yourself a very great Future. I just want to go over with you all that you get when you make your purchase.
Therefore, you will get an instructor who has been right where you are now. These instructors are all Certified.
Indeed, we have different titles however, we all teach Rory’s Proven System the way it was taught to us by Rory.
Furthermore, our different titles do not determine the level of your training. It’s all the same training. It’s a proven system and it’s not a suggestion.
Your Instructor, Your Success, Your access
Therefore, it is only taught one way. The only way! As I have said you will get a certified system instructor. Furthermore, you will then be on your instructor’s team.
Indeed, your instructor will give you absolutely amazing training and, all the education you need to become a success with this program.
In addition, as an instructor at RRR247, we not only train you, and give you access to the training sites, training videos, and additional zoom training times and links.
Therefore, you will have access to our special anchor offers, special additional programs like our IBO program (Amazing and FREE), videos, access to free leads, and free traffic sites.
Furthermore, you will get a website. This is a 4-5 character domain. The reason for being is it ranks higher than google.
Also, you will have access to your team’s chat rooms as we believe you need to have open communication at all times available.
Marketing Pay, Marketing Benefits, Affiliate Marketing
We are marketers. Hourly wages are not for us. We are paid multiple ways. Sometimes by the click, by the view, by the purchase, and by referrals.
Therefore, time is very precious to us and we want you to have answers to your questions at all times.
In addition, you have a lifetime membership with RRR247 and you are now a new family member of our amazing family.
Also, you will have access to move up into the company gaining access to leaderships, and retreats.
Furthermore, you have your own business. However, you are never alone. We are always here to help and here to celebrate with you.
Furthermore, as an affiliate marketer, you will be doing advertising for places like Google, Amazon, and Cash Network Direct.
Therefore, as you can imagine our companies are growing at a very fast pace. That is a good kind of problem.
Link Post, PBS, and VIP we have an Instructor for you
Without a doubt, our instructors are amazing. We have several different titles for them. However, never believe you have any less of a teacher/mentor given their rank. The ranks make up the team.
For instance, a Certified System Instructor (CSI), The rank you achieve right out of Instructor in Training classes.
Therefore, then move on up to the following ranks. Platinum System Instructor (PSI), Gold System Instructor (GSI).
In addition, we have our Master System Instructors MSI, and VIP Instructors. Such as, for me, I am a VIP/MSI.
To clarify, I am VIP and a Master System Instructor. I achieved this rank for completing all requirements of ranks before becoming an MSI.
Gaining Rank and Moving Up
Therefore, this means I have also brought several students up into instructorship. They make up my team. I have IITs, CSI’s, PSI’s, and GSI’s and I work closely with another VIP/MSI and her team. The requirements to gain rank are all different.
Therefore, if you want to be an instructor. Please let your instructor know and they will get you where you need to be and help you to meet the requirements.
Furthermore, I have worked very hard for my title. I got where I am today by giving back and loving others. Therefore, I don’t take my title lightly. Working hard is what I do, and I love what I do.
Link Post & Goya (GET OFF YOUR ASS)
Furthermore, I also hold the title Admin Director and Goya Instructor. Goya stands for Get Off Your Ass! This is a very hardcore part of the program. It is not for the weak! I wear several hats daily and enjoy those multiple streams of income. That is what makes my heart fill with joy.
Therefore, I work hard, I get off my ASS, and be the BOSS of my Business. In addition, I take pride in all I have achieved these past 4 yrs.
Furthermore, some days you may hear me answering phones on our support line, other days maybe I am in our BRT classroom, on a conference call, and so on. I go where needed.
However, I also take care of and continue to grow my business. Along with my students and instructors in training.
Respecting Your Instructor + Respecting their Time = An Amazing Unstoppable Team!
Therefore, we all work together and help when help is needed. Therefore, this allows us to give students the choice to move up into the company.
However, your instructor is not getting paid from RRR247 to be your mentor. They are simply giving back.
Important to realize, that all our instructors work long hard days and most of us do things behind the scenes as well.
Therefore, I put in over 14 hours a day more than 5 days a week. Of course, this is not counting the hours I spent in the evening or weekend with a student or instructor training and helping them.
Leaderships, Trips, and Events
Therefore, always be understanding to your instructor and respect them and their time.
Furthermore, they simply get paid by their business and the time they put into you is time they are not putting into their business.
However, it’s one big family here, and that is just how we roll.
In addition, always remember Rory spoils us all from lavish trips and leadership to running contests for us to win money, gifts, and tickets to events.
Therefore, is so much more the Ricords do for us daily that will just blow your mind.
Welcome to the Family
I just want to welcome you to the family. This is not only rewarding, and amazing. However, it can be overwhelming at times. Always remember to RRR and you will be fine. Our Core Values are very important and we take them seriously. Therefore, make sure to know them and understand them.

In addition, if you hear anyone say you need to RRR. This means you need to Reset, Refocus and then Recommit. Therefore, all this being said. I look forward to meeting you and helping you grow your business. Keep in mind the only way you will fail is if you Quit!
Therefore, if you want to see if this is something you would like to do. Send me an email at and we will get you all set up. In addition, remember as long as you can follow directions, you have a computer, and internet and want to change your financial situation and future. YOU Can do this! Click here and email me.