Magickal Spells & Potions at Curst Kosmetics. Therefore, with Curst Kosmetics you can do both. Specifically, the Spellbook of eyeshadows, lipstick potions, and even RIP Bath Bombs can help you with whatever the wickedness in you wishes. Madam outdid herself when creating this company. Her line of kosmetics speaks for itself.
Therefore, Madam has always been inspired by the Supernatural and the Tales of witches. In addition, to her love of MAGICK. She has created a makeup line so great. Furthermore, everyone shopping Curst Kosmetics will have a MAGICKAL experience with every purchase.
Mariel Pabst is Madam in her Curst World of Kosmetics. Madam is a paranormal professional researcher & ghost hunter. Mariel has starred in her own series of Ghost Vlogs. In addition, the 1st series of Madam’s Ghost Vlogs can be seen on Vidi Space, YouTube, and Amazon Prime. Ghost Vlogs was established in the year 2017.
Madam’s inspiration for Kosmetics came while filming an episode of Ghost Vlogs. Therefore, in the episode “Needful Things” her inspiration came to her. It all started with lipstick and how she kept having to reapply it throughout the filming. Furthermore, MA•GICK happened and Curst Kosmetics was founded in 2018. Mariel was now known as Madam and Curst Kosmetics was established.
Curst Kosmetics are MAGICKAL
Madam has created a makeup line that is so grand that it is actually MAGICKAL. Therefore, with products like her Spellbooks of eyeshadow pallets, lip potions, Batty eyeliners, Vampire’s eyelashes, and RIP bath bombs.
RIP bath bombs will have you in a love spell. Therefore, with soft, moisturized, glowing, and hydrated skin. In addition, feeling calm, and relaxed. You will be Curst with these MAGICKAL Kosmetics. furt
In addition, Madam has made Rest In Peace Bath Bombs to relax your wicked ways and rejuvenate your soul. Therefore, to check these products out click here and get your own MA•GICK.
Spellbook of Eyeshadow Palettes
Every spellbook eyeshadow palette has 15 pan spells. In addition, mattes, shimmer, and glitters. Also, a beauty spell. Your spellbook is protected and provides you with MA•GICK.
Furthermore, your spellbook eyeshadow palette is not just MA•GICK. In addition, it is protected by moonshine and will provide you with a long-lasting MAGICKAL look and feel. Bringing your beauty within out for all to see. Curst Kosmetics is the only make-up line with this powerful spell.
Furthermore, you will be delighted as you choose your MA•GICK shade from your spellbook palette. Sorting through shades like bones, sticks, charm, love spells, and many more to adore. Therefore, with your makeup brush cursed with charm you can work MA•GICK daily.
Lip Potions MA•GICK in a bottle
Shop at Curst Kosmetics and get way more than you are looking for. Especially when there are potions, spells, and MA•GICK involved. In addition, this makeup line is not tested on animals and is 100 percent vegan. Madam can sure craft a beautiful make-up line.
Therefore, with her spellbook out and beauty on her mind. Crafting the perfect lip potions with just a twitch of her wand. Curst Kosmetic Lip Potions are pure MA•GICK. Therefore, enjoy every one of these charming shades. The glamour will shine off your lips. In addition, the only sacrifice that you will make is who to kiss first.
All Lip potions are pigmented to last long. Therefore, no need to miss out on the perfect kiss. Smear-proof, kiss-proof, long-lasting, charming shades of beautiful colors will throw you into a lip enchantment. Curst Kosmetics has the hex you need to bring the beauty from within out for all to see.
MAGICKAL Long-Wear Power
Furthermore, let the kissing begin. Each matte lip potion lasts up to 11 hours day or night. Therefore, each potion Madam crafted is pigmented and made for long wear.
In fact, these Lip Potions are transfer-proof, smudge-proof, and kiss-proof. Another special formula was crafted with a simple twist of her wand. Madam has really brought out the MA•GIC in yet another amazing product.
Curst Kosmetics own all these binding spells I have spoken of. You will never purchase them else where. Therefore, if your intreged get yours today and keep your loving charm with the make-up line you love and dare to wear!
Believers will Shimmer & Shine with these MAGICKAL bottles of Lip Potion
Furthermore, only if you believe in spells, curses, love spells, and MA•GIC. You must be of good cheer and click here to get your magic in a bottle from Curst Kosmetics.
Therefore, wear your shimmer and shine when you capture that special guy. It will only take one binding spell to send him into your state of ecstasy.
Sparkle with Curst Glitter
Spellbook eyeshadows, and Lip Potions are great. However, Madam didn’t stop there in her crafting. She has also brought on the Glitter to help out on that shimmer and shine of yours.
Therefore, Curst Kosmetics brings you 3 holographic eco-friendly glitters. These are great to use on your body, nails, and even with your Kosmetics. Therefore, each jar is .05 ounces. Enjoy the different shapes and colors.
Chose from Gone Batty glitter. The glitter is in the shape of bats. Aim to the moon is another beautiful crafted glitter available. In the shape of moons. Shimmer with Glitter moons at night during that seductive alone time.
Therefore, when its that special alone time for you. In addition,loose cross is the final glitter.Cross shaped Holographic eco-friendly glitters to add to your Kosmetics , body, and so many more places.
Furthermore, not all witches dress all in black and have faces of green. Especially, when you are a Curst Kosmetic Witch. Beauty is not just skin deep here. It comes from within. The Kosmetics just bring that seductive shine out for all to see.
Curst Kosmetics brings you not plain eyelashes. These are Vampire Lashes
Vampire Lashes that will compel with every look. Finding your perfect set won’t be a problem. Each one is made with 3D Faux Mink. Crafted to compel your every look. You can really embrasse the inner vampire inside of you.
Want a dramatic look ? If so you will want to wear ENCHANTRESS LASHES. Therefore, their volume is so dramatic you will curse everyone and anyone. However, maybe you want something a bit more sassy. Have the look that kills. Wearing the Huntress Lashes will put you right in the mood.
In addition, why not get in touch with yoru batty side? Batty lashes has got you covered. Compel all bats. Furthermore, Maven Lashes are for those that like that everyday maven look. Therefore, with all these choices of lashes you can’t go wrong.
Indeed, you will enjoy them all. Basically, wear them as simple as Monday through Friday go with the Maven look. Saturday turn up the sassy and put on the Enchantress.
However, finish out your week Huntress lashes are calling. Keeping you in the right mood as you get ready for the next weeks events. Furthermore, always know Curst Kosmetics are cruelty free Always, and 100% Faux Mink.
Overall, you are going to love the red,black and clear coffin they reside in. Its just up a good witches alley. Amazing products, packaged perfect, its Bippity Boppity Boo for you and your Lashes.
Curst Kosmetics
Curst Kosmetics have what your looking for when you want to be seductive, or bring out the inner beauty. From Lip potions, to spells. Your going to love this make-up line.
Especially, when you have arrived back at your covenstead at the end of a long day. Before, you get your cauldron out to mix another spell or potion. Head to your favorite serine area. Get out your Rest In Peace Bath Bombs.
Therefore, as you enjoy the aroma that comes from all of the RIP Bath bombs at Curst. Simply relax and enjoy them. Thinking about your next spell or potion you want to whip up.
In addition, to the relaxing aroma from RIP Bath Bombs, you are going to have skin so soft and the natural glow will just spill out. Madam has crafted , spell binding (good spells) , Charming, and MAGICKAL products. Available for all to enjoy.
Therefore, keep in mind that all Curst products are animal and cruelty free, and made to last. No more having to reapply your make up. happen!
My Thoughts/Feelings about Curst Kosmetics & Madam
I wanted the readers and shoppers of The Travelor know I am not a witch, nor wicken or anything else but a God Fearing Christian. I had a problem writing on this product at first.
However, I did some research and though Mariel Pabst AKA Madam is very interested in Ghost Vlogs, and paranormal activity.. I do not share her excitement on certain these things.
Furthermore, as I researched more and more I found that she is a very loving person. Just looking at some of the words or titles she has for her products. These are not words that would come from someone that pertrays themselves to be a mean witch. Words like charmed, beautiful, beauty, love and many more.
Therefore, I agreed I needed to write about her products. Just because I am not one to believe in paranormal activity or spells and such. This doesn’t mean I should be judgemental. So I thought long and hard about all this and I felt it would be just fine to advertise her products. I hope you all enjoyed how I presented them. I had a hard time. Three days later. I finally finished the offer page.
MAGICKAL Spells by Mariel
However, here it is. I really believe Madam is a loving person. Furthermore, I was able to read one of her spells and I am going to add it below. To me after seeing this, it totally takes away any negativity I had going into this. If she is say a Witch she must be one like Glenda on the Wizard of Oz. The good kind.
Please enjoy the words to a spell Mariel has written. You will see she is not out to harm anyone, she has love in her heart and she talks about being beautiful inside first. To me that sounds like someone who wants to lift other women up and she chose to do it with a make up line. I could be totally wrong.
A Madam Mariel Spell
Therefore, May your brushes are Charmed
May your wands Conjure faces
Moreover, May you produce beautiful Craft
May you Design a Binding Spell
In addition, May they see the beauty within
May they feel the Love Spell
Curst Kosmetics was Established in 2018
However, this is how I believe and how I would like to continue to believe as I have heard nothing but great things about all these products.
In addition, if she can be one to inpower women and help them to see the beauty in themselves. Straightaway, go enjoy the spell below and thank you for reading about Curst Kosmetics. After the spell I am going to tell you a bit more about Madam.
MAGICKAL Inspiration
Mariel Pabst got her inspiration and interest for a make up line back when she was filming an episode of “Needful Things”. Therefore, from what I have read she was in a crawl space and thought about her lipstick and make up.
Furthermore, she was always having to reapply it. So very annoying. She got the inspiration to craft a make up line that would have beauty products that last longer when applied.
Furthermore, with her love and interest of paranormal and the want of longer lasting make up. That is what and how Curst Kosmetics came to be. Curst Kosmetics established in 2018.
Curst With MAGICK
In addition, I just want to let you know she has some merchandise, make up , skin products and even sage to purchase on her site. I only touched on a few things.
Therefore, if you would like to check out the website please do not wait. Click here and check it out. Without a doubt , it doesn’t matter if your a God Fearing Christian, a Wicken, Shamen, enchantress, and even a witch.
In otherwords, noone is here to judge. Go to the site and enjoy your shopping and enjoy all of the products Curst Kosmetics and Madam Mariel Pabst has crafted for you. They are MAGICKAL