Performance Blogging from home is so amazing. Don’t worry if you can write or not. Therefore, no experience is needed. Performance Blogging is a system that was created by Rory Ricord. He is a marketing guru. Amazing with a heart full of love. Rory has worked in marketing since the age of 15 and possibly sooner. He always had the want to give back and this is his way of giving back. Reaching out to as many as he can. Teaching them his proven system and ridding their broke mindset.
Furthermore, Performance Blogging is a job you can do from home. It is so easy and amazing. Therefore, some perks you get working from home are undeniably nothing short of amazing. Being your own boss is even more amazing. Therefore, when you are making and scheduling your own hours how amazing is that? In addition, you can work as little or as much as you want.
Performance Blogging is a system that you can learn through RRR247 and the instructors qualified to teach you. However, many people never even look into it because the word Blogging turns them off. They feel they have to be a really good writer.
Therefore, let me tell you that is not TRUE! Everyone has a story and even if you don’t think you do, I will just say YES, you do. No one is asking you to tell your story. However, you can always share your story in writing. This is one of the greatest books you will ever read. The book you wrote about you.
Performance Blogging is more than just writing
Furthermore, if you do not like to write that is okay too. Here we learn multiple ways to earn multiple streams of income. Working off your very own personal website that you get by clicking here.
Therefore, once that is done you will be contacted by one of our instructors to set up a time to start your training. Sounds great so far Right?
Training & What To Expect
In particular, your first training will be similar to the following. You and your instructor will spend about an hour to an hour and a half together. This will be one of our longest training.
To clarify, after your first training, each following training is usually about 15-30 minutes 1 per week. I know my students I meet with them each week for at least the first month. However, every instructor has a different schedule.
Therefore, the times, dates, and frequency of your training can vary from the instructor. However, I know as soon as I see you are getting the hang of things we will move forward as needed.
You must Connect on Skype!!! Your training depends on it!
Certainly, don’t forget every meeting/training you will need to be connected on skype, and at your computer ready to begin training at least 10 min before your scheduled training time. In addition, we cover a lot so you will want to take notes.
Also, we have a couple of videos you will watch. Thereafter, we will be moving on to your website. The more familiar you are with navigating around your website (PBS) the easier things will be.
Therefore, it is very important you know how to log in, log out, edit your pages and copy and paste. Then, I want to make sure you know your PBS URL and how to get to the edit area where you work on your site and edit it.
Performance Blogging System how to Customize it and make it YOURS!
Straightaway, we flow right into naming your PBS. This is going to be the name of your company so you want it to mean something and you want it to be eye-catching. In addition, I will show you how to customize your site so that it is uniquely yours.
Furthermore, before we end our training you are taught how to add your link/URL to pages, add images, and change the text. In addition, you will be given homework. Therefore, you will be introduced to our training site. Here you will be taught step by step and page by page. So you will have amazing training.
Performance Blogging Is Open 24/7
Furthermore, this is your business and once it is built you will literally be able to make money while you sleep. Your Performance Blogging Site is open 24/7 and this means making money 24/7. Therefore, you want to put as much time into your business as you can each and every day. The more time spent is more money made.
In addition, always remember that your website is a duplicated site. Exactly like the one Rory Ricord created for himself several years and lots of dollars ago. Therefore, if you can follow directions and do what is needed. You too will end up building a business that you can leave as a legacy for years to come.
PBS Website+Lifetime Membership = Great Benefits
At this point, if you are ready to purchase your PBS we can do so. However, depending on how much you want to invest in your business the price can vary.
Therefore, our package prices starting less than $100.00 and can end in the thousands. Basically, your PBS price depends on what package you wish to start with. Of course, the more your package price the more you get.
Sale/Offer of all time. Don’t miss out! VIP at this Price?
Right now we are offering our VIP package for $495. Yes, it comes with extras. VIP Extras! Therefore, become just any affiliate marketer. Be VIP! In addition, if you want to move up at RRR247 and go through instructor training. When you complete the training you are not only an instructor. You are a VIP instructor. Therefore, lots of pluses and lots of extras. Start your training as a VIP!
Your Business, Your Accountability, Your Success
Of course, your success depends on YOU! Not the price and package you start out with. Your success depends on you! Nothing Else!
However, you are the one that must apply what we have handed down to you. All in all, it relies on you to determine your successful outcome, to put it all into action!
Investing in your Performance Blogging System
Investing in your business can mean several different ways to invest. Indeed, at RRR247 your investment is very little compared to what it could be. However, do realize that investing doesn’t just mean putting money into your company. Therefore, it’s time, commitment, accountability, your sweat & tears, and a little cashola.
Investing in your business is very important. The more you invest in your business the bigger the better it will turn out. Right? Furthermore, have you ever heard the phrase ” It takes money to make money“? That is true in a sense.
However, it takes more than money. As I mentioned above. It takes your time, your commitment, accountability, determination, and hard work. It’s important that you understand this.
In other words, if you do nothing but purchase your PBS and you paid for the highest package we have. Does that guarantee that your business is going to be a huge success? NO!
Purchasing a Gym Membership won’t make you lose weight, will it?
Therefore, it’s just like if you purchased a gym membership to get healthy and lose weight. Just because you purchased the membership regardless of its price. That amount and that membership card are not going to make you lose weight.
However, what you need to lose weight is your time, commitment, accountability, working on the equipment, blood, sweat & tears, and hard work, right? It’s the same with your business. Yes! investing means adding things to better or helping things start faster when it comes to your business.
However, money is not the only investment you need. Therefore, it basically comes down to this. You can invest all the money in the world but that doesn’t determine your success.
Furthermore, what does determine your success is putting those investments into action and YOU putting in the work! Just a little bit of my two cents for you. I feel is important to know, especially in Marketing.
You Have 1 Job! Just 1. What is it?
Rory gives so much to help you succeed. He is showing you how to use it, what it is, how it works, and what you need to do. You have 1 job in all this. That job is for YOU to APPLY IT ALL! Your success depends on you. The time YOU put in, commitment YOU give, determination YOU have, YOUR accountability. The answer is YOU! YOU APPLYING IT ALL!