Red Wine & Its Healthy Benefits. I have to say this again. All roads do really lead back to wine. Wine has been researched and the benefits it can bring to your health are so amazing. I have always heard that red wine is good for your heart. That may be true.
However, did you know that Red Wine can also help with cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, neurological disorders, and metabolic syndrome?
That is way more than just the heart. I have done some research here and I can’t wait to tell you what I found out about how Red Wine has health benefits for all these medical diseases, disorders, and problems. I had to shake my head and say ” No wonder Jesus turned water into wine”. He wants us all to be healthy.
In addition, there are two types of drinking. One is simply moderately enjoying a glass and the other abusing sloppy drinking drunk drinkers. All research about this is for those that drink red wine in moderation. Therefore, enjoy it don’t overdo it.
Great For you when drank in Moderation
However, as with anything you eat or drink for the most part it will nourish your body. However, when you drink or eat out of moderation this is what causes weight gain or alcoholism. So I highly encourage anyone that reads this to always drink in moderation, do not drink and drive even if you only have 1 glass. Never bring the sloppy out.
Wine Ambassador Wine of the Month Club has some great wine. This is fine wine. Therefore, it has a pretty high alcohol content. Furthermore, even drank in moderation you could feel those tipsy moments. Please do not drive at all when you drink. High Alcohol content or low.
How does Wine Help your Heart?
Red Wine has antioxidants that are known as polyphenols. These can aid in the help of protecting the lining of the blood vessels in your heart.
In addition, red wine can help with inflammation in the blood. Inflammation in your blood can aid in clogging the arteries of your heart. Therefore, when the inflammation is gone this helps the blood to flow the way it is meant to and not clog or build up.
What is Atherosclerosis and how does red wine help with this?
Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries. When fatty material gets into the inner walls of these arteries it can cause someone to have a heart attack. Therefore, drinking red wine can help aid so that this doesn’t happen.
Therefore, the alcohol and polyphenolic compounds in red wine have anti-clotting actions. Furthermore, this action from the alcohol and polyphenolic compounds that will surface when clotting is exposed. In addition, this helps with arteries getting clotted or stops the clotting action.
Red Wine & Type 2 Diabetes
For Type 2 Diabetes enjoying a glass can lower blood sugar. In addition, lowered blood sugar can happen for 24 hours.
Therefore, the American Red Cross and American Heart Association have deemed drinking red wine in moderation can be part of type 2 diabetic diets. It is Safe and decreases cardio-metabolic risk.
Neurological Disorders and the Red Wine Drinker
This organic compound Resveratrol in red wine can limit stress. This compound opens the path that helps limit stress and damage to DNA cells in the brain.
However, a non-open path can result in aging and addition to disease. Also, with neurological disorders. Red Wine drinking is safe in moderation.
Research, Wine, and The Traveler
My love of Wine has brought me to do some research on it. I want to educate others. Therefore, hence the reason I will take the time to share it with my readers. A lot of people believe they can’t enjoy a glass of wine because of their heart disease or neurological issues.
Therefore, that is the reasoning for my research. This page will behave more researched facts added to it as I continue on this journey. Please check in often. Therefore, learn more and more each visit. I am so excited I can’t wait to learn all I can.
Furthermore, know I will share every bit of knowledge I get with you. Therefore, I hope you enjoy it and if it helps you out with questions or concerns. That is amazing and I am happy to help.