Tootralize your dog & human toot odors. Therefore, with Paw-Pourri you can now have dinner parties again. Furthermore, as long as Bingo had his Paw-Pourri there are no more worries as to when or where he will clear out the room again with his lingering fragrances that fluff in the air from his butt.
However, not worried about Bingo getting rid of your guests? More worried about the hubby or boys in the family? We have just the thing. From the owners of Paw-Pourri, we also were given Squeak A Sneak. The human form of Paw- Pourri. That is right we can mask up those nasty boy farts too.
Stop Gasping for Air
No worries this is just a treat for Bingo and Dad. It will not cause them to stop passing the gas altogether. However, what it does is neutralize it. That way instead of rotten eggs the smell maybe will be roses on a warm summer night.
Furthermore, It really doesn’t matter to me what the neutralizer does as long as I am not gasping for air anymore when the dog or humans pass that gas. Sometimes it can really be rough on you and your nose. Including, those that are visiting if you have guests over.
Win-Win for All when you Tootralize
In addition, let me just say it again. This doesn’t keep your furbaby or furhubby stop having gas. Passing gas is natural. It’s actually good for us to get unwanted gas out. However, sometimes this doesn’t happen at the best opportune times.
Therefore, as long as you take your Sneak A Squeak or Paw-Pouri you have nothing to worry about. Bingo gets to stay in the house and so do the boys and dad. Win-Win for them all.
Tootralize that Stinky POOT
Have you ever wondered who or what in the world is that smell? Maybe, while you and the family are enjoying movie night, all of a sudden you smell this horrid smell? Everyone looks at each other. As soon as one of the kids cut a smile we know Oh great one of them tooted.
Therefore, it may even be that strong handsome man sitting next to you sharing the popcorn. However, no matter who dealt with it, Rover gets blamed. Poor Rover!
Paw-Pourri and Sneak A Squeak have come out with some great chews for both your fur love and human love. As I always say gas is natural and it’s always better out than in right? However, did you know how that smell was made? Ever wonder? I sure have.
What causes that smell?
Therefore, I did a little research. Paw- Pourri is a bit different than the other supplements they have out that help with stinky k-9 toots. This supplement doesn’t stop the amount of gas that is produced like the other products.
Furthermore, It’s not really a healthy thing to stop the gas. Gas is produced when your body is getting rid of bad bacteria from foods eaten. We want that to happen.
However, we just would like it to happen not so stinky right? Therefore, this product doesn’t stop the gas. Instead, those stinky lingering particles are now filtered out. The process is kind of like how they filter water. Therefore, after those smelly particles have been produced Paw-Pourri goes to work.
OMG! What did you eat?
Furthermore, using all-natural ingredients they bind to the smelly particles and filter them out. Therefore, when the digestive system pushes out the gas it’s no longer smelly.
Therefore, Paw-Pourri has masked that OMG! WHAT DID YOU EAT smell? Easy enough to understand right? If not just go with it.
Therefore, Give Rover a chew and his food will stop the stewing of those horrid smells.
In addition, this company has made these great dog chews. Well, they didn’t stop when it came to Rover. Therefore, this is proof that it’s not always Rover.
Sneak A Squeak & Paw-Pourri Tootralizer
The makers of Paw-Pourri have made another amazing invention. Mask those OMG! smellies that dad passes. Then blames on Rover! Therefore, they now have a supplement for our human toots.
Therefore, get your great Tootralizing products here. Click now and order yours today. Sneak A Squeak is the natural Human Tootralizer.
Therefore, be sure to get your human a bag for his stinkies too. I am sure Rover, Bingo, and even the cat will thank you. Especially during cuddles at night.
Tootralize and Enjoy
Therefore, when you tootralize those breaking wind moments you can enjoy that movie night again with the family.
However, have some guests over for dinner. Whatever, you have omitted in your life due to stinky air fluffs stopping by at any moment. You can now have family, friends, and alone time moments back.
In addition, life can be so much more enjoyable without the smell of stinky butt. Furthermore, get rid of the smell for good. No more covering it up with Scentsy wax burners or candles. Tootralize those smells and eliminate them.