Sleep Great Lose Weight With Zlēm

Sleep Great Lose Weight With Zlēm. Are you part of the 50% of Americans that suffer from insomnia? I sure am.

Therefore, some nights I can fall right asleep, and then other nights not so much. Life is not the easiest and we all need our sleep. Sleep experts and doctors recommend a minimum of 7 hours a night is good for you.

It’s not healthy to have your days like this. However, sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day and that makes us overwork ourselves. Especially if you are a mom or a single mom or dad.

However, with my busy schedule, I don’t even know that I have 7 hours in my day to give to sleep. Maybe 3 and that is if I jump in the shower, and eat while I get my pj’s on. Yes! life can be that busy.

However, sleep really is not in your vocabulary until those kids can basically take care of themselves for the most part. Heck, even then you can still be just as busy when your kids are no longer kids. A whole new set of worries take place then.

Zlēm Lose Weight & Sleep Great?

Again, Velovita has brought us an amazing product. Here I am above fussing about not being able to sleep. I haven’t even thought about being able to lose weight. As busy as I am it should fall off. I honestly should be skin and bones as busy as some of my days are.


However, the second product that Velovita has brought to us is called Zlēm. This product is amazing. When it first came out I wasn’t too crazy about its flavor of it, but it wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t what I expected I guess.

However, with time perfection takes place. Now we have Zlēm in not just 1 flavor but 2. They are both very good and tasty. In addition, let me just add when I take my Zlēm I am out in 30 min. Wake only one time a night to go potty. Also, I am in smaller clothing. I am absolutely LOVIT!

Busy Days + Sleepless Nights= Days of Craziness


I don’t have time to worry about my weight, sleep, and looking great. Monday thru Friday I am getting the kids to school, go to work, then do grocery shopping, football, basketball, and volleyball take up many days with practice and games from the kids.

Furthermore, this does not include having to cook dinner, do laundry, dishes, baths, and bedtime. Where do I have time to lose weight? In my sleep and that is a perfect time.


In addition, those days that are so hectic and you lay down to go to sleep and your brain keeps going. Ever happen to you? Did to me. Until I tried Zlēm. I snap my Zlēm about 30 min before I want to be asleep.

Therefore, In an hour the house is as quiet as a mouse on Christmas eve. This sure is a must-try. Even if you don’t have the weight to lose. Velovita’s products with all-natural ingredients that are in Zlēm work in the areas that your body is needing.


Therefore, if you don’t need to lose weight but still have trouble sleeping. That is okay. You can still enjoy Zlēm. You are going to feel just as great if not better as the nutrients your body is needing in other areas. Zlēm has now made sure they are in the right spots.


Give this product a try. Therefore, if you’re doing all three of the Trifecta products from Velovita. Honestly, you can’t go wrong. Life is going to be amazing. Therefore, LOVIT and Look Amazing!